The Rabbit Hole I went down a solo and standard playing card RPG rabbit hole after playing “The Wolves of Langston”, a 5e D&D solo adventure. I had a blast sitting at the table with some whiskey, a character sheet, and my tablet and after my first play-thru I wanted more.
Markdown Overview Welcome to a quick tour of Markdown, where it came from, why I love it, how to use it.
What is Markdown? The official Daring Fireball site offers a much better overview of what Markdown is. The short version is that Markdown is a markup domain-specific language (DSL) designed to be human-readable that can also be rendered into semantically correct XHTML.
New Computer Setup Checklist The tools and customizations I like across all my machines in one handy place.
Windows Apps are listed in the order I prefer to install them, starting right up front with my password manager to make everything else easier.
Extract ILogger Messages from Code using PowerShell A co-worker asked how to extract log message from code last week and while I would normally use grep I thought I’d improve my PowerShell skills since we use it for so many of our internal scripts at work.
2022.04.08 - - Since writing this a new version of the 1Password CLI came out (2.0) that handles setting environment variables in a much slicker way. The below steps will still work but I suggest checking out the official “Load secrets into the environment” 1Password CLI docs first.